Presentation Diary

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By : Soca Pradnyasari

22 September 2014
That was the first time for us to presented the materials in 5 semester. On that day there was three presenter 1. Soca Pradnyasari 2. Simbron Tuke 3. Dede Krisna. Soca as the first presenter in Teaching Learning Strategies subject.I came late at the time because  class was begin early than usually. Our Teaching Learning Strategies Learning name Mr. Agus. He is a friendly person and always come in time.
Soca looked nervous at the time, she told us about Cognitive Learning Variation. She was explained about Cognitive Learning Variation and that include about:
  1. Transfer 
  2. Interference 
  3. Generalization and  their part  :  inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning and simplification 
  4. Over Generalization and  their part : past tense regulation, negativication and indirect sentence.
She did the presentation with difficult word and I did not catch the meaning about what she was did and she did explain us using gesture or body movement to make us more understand about the every difficult words. The sentences  and the words were not familiar for our language level difficult to understand but she speak loud, slowly and also she told us example in Bahasa that made me more understand. During her presentation there was only one question that from Ayu Sriasih. She asked Soca to retell the meaning of her presentation and give another example. But she did answer. She said only understand some part of her presentation and Mr. Agus asked her to retell the part that she well in understand. But she still stayed in front of the class without did something at that time. And Finally Mr. Agus asked the next presenter to present his Material.

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